Golf is Our Business

Bringing you up-to-date on everything happening in Golf: Locally, Nationally, and Internationally

Jeff Golf Guy

in Blog

From the Clubhouse

With over fifty years of involvement in the Business and Sport of Golf as a Player, Teacher, and Broadcast Journalist, I have traveled the world visiting, playing, reporting, and broadcasting from some of the most famous, scenic, and iconic Golf Courses in the history of the game. Along the way, I’ve recorded, reported, and described…

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in Archives, Blog, In The Clubhouse, Shows, Uncategorized

What’s wrong with municipal golf courses in Utah?

  What’s wrong with municipal golf courses in Utah that wouldn’t be solved by moving them into special services districts? Ho-hum, another year, another budget and the proverbial soup can that is municipal golf course operations in Salt Lake City got kicked down the road again. When will elected officials finally acknowledge their business model…

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